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Sewer Gallery and Observation Deck

Sewer Gallery and Observation Deck

By Spikepit

This is the scene of my partys Tier 3 final boss fight; the secret laboratory and hideout of hulking Dr Jekyl-Mr Hyde style scientist, bent on evolving the rest of the city in his image through the water mains. In addition to what you see here, I have also added steel walkways and pipes found on Thingiverse, Chem Stacks and other Sci Fi files found in Printable Scenerys catalogue as well as E-TRP-Stone-Floor-v4.0 tiles to complete the theme of the pool. After gluing all components together, painting and flocking, I then poured a layer of clear resin in the pool and in the sewer tracks. It was fun and satisfying, but they destroyed the boss in enough time for me to be disappointed in the time I put into this map. hahaha

Created at 2022-01-17 04:05:18

Includes models from



This is a super cool battle map. Thanks for uploading it.

2022-01-19 11:14:34